Thursday, July 2, 2015

Lalitha Sahasra Naama

Goddess Lalita, also known as Lalita Tripura Sundari Devi and the red Goddess, is one of the most powerful manifestations of Goddess Shakti.
Lalita Devi came out of the Chidagni Homa Kunda, seated on a special chariot called "Chakra Raja Ratha".
Once Lalitha Devi addressed Vasini and the other vagdevathas (goddesses of speech): "I command you - who know the secrets of Srichakra, and of Sri Vidya and other Mantras to compose a hymn of a thousand names that reveal my greatness. Lead the way to let my devotess obtain My grace by chanting it!".
Accordingly Vasini and the other dieties of speech composed the Lalitha Sahasranama consisting of the most secret mantras. Subsequently one day Devi sitting on her throne, gave the opportunity of her Darshan to all those who were present in the court, including countless Brahma's, Countless Vishnu's, Rudra's and Sakthi's such as Mantrini, Dandini and the other inhabitants of heaven. She gave them all the opportunity to worship her. As every one took their seats after the worship, Lalitha Devi allowed Vasini and the other deities to chant the Sahasranama by visual signaling.
They stood up with their palms joined in devotion and chanted "Lalitha Sahasranama" in her praise. Every one was immersed in wonder and bliss. Devi was pleased and spoke these words.
Lalitha Sahasra Naama is one of the principal texts of Sakta Cult the other two being are Durga Sapta Sati and Soundarya Lahari. Generally, only two Sahasranaamas ( thousand Divine names), i.e., Lalitha Sahasra Naama and Vishnu Sahasra Naama are popular  though all deities like Siva, Laksmi, Parvathi, etc are having their own Sahasranaamas and corresponding rituals. When Vishnu Sahasra Naama helps the devotee to attain spiritual well being and subsequent Moksha(salvation) the Lalitha Sahasra Naama imparts saadhaka both spiritual and material upliftment.
There is Lalitha Thrisathi, which consists of three hundred sacred names of Mother in Lalithopakhyaana. This mantra has a close relationship with seed syllable, Panchadasi. Each set of verses start from each syllable of Panchadasi. It is also as potent as Lalitha Sahasra Naama. 

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